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    Tutoring in Schools: A critical component of educational recovery from COVID-19.

    February 16, 2021

    As we approach a year of learning disruption at the hands of COVID-19, students across the country are still not where they need to be academically. In fact, today’s students are expected to lose as much as a year of learning, with students of color and students from low-income households sure to be heavier hit by school shutdowns and extended periods of remote instruction.

    These projections should be a wakeup call for anyone who cares about America’s recovery and resurgence from COVID-19. Just as our nation must have a robust strategy for economic revival, we must also have plan for educational revival.

    Why? Because today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce, and to emerge from the pandemic stronger than ever, we need a focused effort to help students dramatically accelerate achievement while allowing teachers to continue to be effective in the classroom.

    This effort will require all of us – including educators, policymakers, community partners and the business community – to step up and step in to stem the tide of learning loss.

    For our part, Kelly Education is responding to this urgent need through our new, virtual and in-person tutoring services in schools. This makes a lot of sense because as the nation’s largest education talent provider, Kelly already has a presence in schools across 42 states. We are now offering highly qualified Kelly tutors embedded within schools to help students catch up quickly in core academic areas such as math, science, reading and language arts.

    This solution aims to lighten the load of teachers and parents alike, who have been stretched thin during the pandemic and need additional support to prevent students from falling farther behind. When done well, tutoring programs consistently lead to large improvements in learning outcomes, especially among students in earlier grades. And as the pandemic contributes to rising rates of depression and anxiety, providing students with one-to-one access to another qualified and caring tutor has never been more important.

    As America perseveres to recover from the deep and disastrous economic impacts of COVID-19, we must also be laser focused on the long-term toll the pandemic may have on our future workforce if we fail to act now. We must all rally behind efforts to accelerate learning through evidence-based, data-driven approaches like tutoring so that tomorrow’s talent will not only catch up but go beyond and usher in a new era of American competitiveness and prosperity.

    I’m beyond proud to introduce Kelly Education Tutoring Solutions at this crucial moment in education’s recovery and encourage you to consider: what effects could a tutoring program have within your community’s schools?

    District guidance to sustaining an effective tutoring program. Get it now.

    View Related: Tutoring

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